Podcast Episode 22: Show Notes!
by Isabella
Posted on November 20, 2020

You can view Episode 22 of the Fiber & Fox Podcast here!
*note: Bella’s Custom Crochets is now FIBER & FOX!

The Podcast turned 1!! November 8th, 2020 marked my 1 year anniversary of podcasting and we are having a lil celebration with a giveaway of some (mostly) local Connecticut goodness. Check out the episode for details on how you could win a notion pouch from Within Creative, a one of a kind set of stitch markers/progress keepers made by ME (with paper beads by a local artist), and a pack of holographic stickers from Block21Prints, The Firestone Art Cafe, and (the only non local) Treasure Goddess Yarn. Winner will be announced in Episode 23!

I was also curious to know if anyone would be interested in a BCC VLOGMAS? I definitely don’t want to commit to daily videos for the month (I really cannot fathom how anyone can!?), but I would like to try maybe doing a weekly vlog throughout the Christmas season…any input?
The Herringtone Marliday cowl is set to release Nov 30th (there will be a free worsted weight version on the blog!) and the Anouk Pullover is almost through testing, so I am hoping to have that out mid-December!

I am excited out of my mind to introduce you to my latest design, the Hope and A Future Wrap! I am working on this one in collaboration with dyer Megs & Co Yarn. It’s a design I’ve been thinking on basjeremically all year and I am thrilled to at last have it underway. 2020 has been some dark, messy times, but there is always a greater plan and the promise of a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11)– and I am clinging to that. There will be a lot more on the one as the design comes together, so keep tuning in, but if you want to get a full-ish explaination for all my inspo behind this design- the colors, the stitches, the shape, all of it- I went into quite a bit of detail in this episode!

All the owly birthday things are finished, gifted and already are very well loved. I’ve gone on and on about these owl objects in previous episodes, so just a quick summary:
*Totally made up amigurumi owl made out of faux fur yarn. She keeps telling people “mama crochet it” and my heart turns into a puddle every time.
*Uglegenseren/Owl Sweater by Ingvild Bysting.

But seriously- how perfect did it turn out!!?? Possibly my favorite finished make for my daughter thus far! And she LOVES it too! We visited a rehabilitated owl that cannot be released into the wild for her birthday and she proudly went showed the owl her sweater and it was one of the best moments of my life. No joke.
(At this point in the podcast I went on a bit of a detour talking about pronouncing foreign-to-me names of people and patterns and how it was brought to my attention that I was handling it in a less-than-respectful manner in the past. I can for sure do better, and I am sorry I hadn’t from the start! I am going to try to do better to honor designers and their designs in the future by doing my best to offer proper pronunciations whenever possible- see episode for more details!)
In addition to the owls, I whipped up a bunch of crochet cotton thread Vintage Dream Bows for my daughter’s birthday as well. If you’re also in need of some adorable lil lady accessories, Bonnie of Woodland Stitchcraft has a lovely bow pattern set. It features multiple bow options and a very helpful tutorial on how to tie and mount them to clips or headbands!

I also tweaked my own numbers on my One Skein Wonder Cowl Lite pattern to make a mini version for my daughter out of some of the leftovers from my Anouk Pullover. You can find the one skein, adult sized version for FREE here! We are going to do a family photoshoot this weekend and now we can be all matchy matchy with our handmade outfits!
Amidst all this birthday making, my husband needed a new hat. Cause his handmade outfit for family photos consists…only of a hat…and a bunch of clothes I did NOT make. I made him a new Bolton Beanie (which was my first ever pattern) so he won’t feel *too* left out.

And the last bit of finished objects, I made a bunch of crochet pumpkins with cinnamon stick stems for a pop-up market I am doing this weekend (pumpkins are allowed uuntil after November, right?!). Mine were based on this tutorial from MJ’s Off the Hook Designs.
While none of these are wips YET they soon shall be, cause Christmas is coming FAST!

I have been wanting to make my daughter some Oak Folk Dolls by Sandra of Agasalhos E Bugalhos since before my daughter was born, but I think she is finally at the point that she will actually enjoy them! I am going to be making 2 (hopefully!) out of Knitpicks Comfy Fingering cotton yarn and then doing a combo of Sandra’s mini knit patterns and my crochet imaginings to clothe them. I love that Sandra’s clothing sets for them are tiny versions of her knit designs- so you could do matching! But I am not sure why I am even bothering with clothing at all that cause we are deep in the “everyone and everything must be naked” phase of toddlerhood!

I am also hoping to get to make the Light Right as Rainbow sweater by Stephanie of TellyBeanKnitz for Christmas too! I am going to be trying to do the yoke in a new Felici worsted self-striping yarn from Knitpicks and the body in Swish worsted yarn…but I having some concerns on how the yoke will turn out. Stay tuned.
I feel like I have a bunch of other Christmas makes on my list too (stockings?!), so we will see how much I can get done in the next…barely a month!
And that’s episode 22! Catch you in episode 23- especially if you want to know if you won the giveaway!!