My favorite crochet and knit podcasts on youtube:
by Isabella
Posted on March 20, 2020
I am a major fan of a fiber-related podcast. Like, I don’t watch TV ever on my own, but I will watch youtube yarn podcasts (/vlogs) when my daughter naps and I’m working on the fiber artsyness. In fact, with the exception of one fellow CT maker (Heyyy, Ave Rivera), I exclusively follow fiber peeps!

I know a lot of us are trying our best at self-quaranting and social distancing admist this COVID19 chaos, so here’s some of my very favorite (in no particular order) crochet and knit youtube podcasts to keep you busy during this stressful time!

- TLYarnCrafts – Toni is basically a crochet icon. Not only does she have a channel full of tutorials and pattern helps, but her podcast is so jovial and inspiring! Also, here yarn reviews are 10 out of 10 hooks from me!

2. Fiber for the People – formally the Wool, Needles, Hands podcast until Tayler became the worlds most fascinating yarn dyer (…but really). Highly recommend going back and watching her prior podcast episodes too (hands down. favorite!), but her current dye vlogs are so incredible. She’s a color wizard.

3. Knitty Natty/Love in Stitches – Natalie is such a joy, and in addition to her podcast she has some great tutorials and vlogs! She has some non-fiber content too, about budgeting and organizing hacks!

4. Fiber Tales – Laerke is such a talented knitwear designer and I love hearing about her life in Denmark! She speaks so many languages, and is incredibly knowledgeable about her craft. Kinda fascinated by her!

5. Quirky Monday Craftcast – Caleisha is the perfect combo of quirky humor and eloquence. She can go from giggling and talking to her dogs or the general menace that is Florida, to picking apart real issues in such a well-worded and gracious way. I love it!

6. Wool Mammoth Fibres Company – Emma is from Ireland, naturally dyes beautiful yarn, has a cute dog, and sources all her yarn from local sheep farms. Uh, yes please.

7. Pip and Pin – Megan is another amazing knitwear designer and basically I watch her podcast cause she has a great giggle. But also great content!

8. Stress Knits – Stacy dyes gorgeous yarns and makes all the loveliest sweaters. I also really appreciate another maker mama with a toddler gettin’ the job done!

9. A Homespun House – Molly is a hugely successful indie dyer with a seemingly endless amount of color inspiration! And I find her voice, and even her home and everything about the podcast, to be so peaceful and soothing!

10. Joji’s Journal – Joji is an accomplish knitwear designer from Argentina, and a super inspiring business woman! She throws in some sewing too! And sometimes she brings on her mom and its just adorable.

11. Once Upon a Corgi – a fellow Connecticutcian (Connecicut-er?)! She dyes the yarn, she sews the things, she has the dog hairs everywhere.

12. Earthtonesgirl – Denise is a wealth of fiber knowledge, her podcast is excellent, but I especially want to bring your attention to the sock knitting class she is running! For free. With everything you need to make socks. On YouTube. It’s. so. good.

13. The Corner of Craft – Hannah is British, has super colorful hair, dyes nerdy yarn and makes adorable teeny tiny beaded stitch markers. Yes, yes, and yes.

14. Heather and Hops – Katt (not Heather!) shares her podcast with her cat Audrey. And her husband knits. What more do I need to tell you.

15. Potter and Bloom – this might have been the very first podcast I stumbled across and I promptly went back and watched every single episode Emma had. I love her crochet designs, the bright cheery lighting and when she has fits of giggles at herself!
16. And of course, I have got to give an honorable mention to…myself. Not that I watch my own podcast (okay, sometimes I do watch it back to critique myself), but I think it’s rather nice and I hope you find it rather nice too! I would definitely appreciate it you gave it a try, and maybe joined as a subscriber! You da best!

And just cause picking favorites is hard, here’s my complete current list of fiber artists I personally subscribe too!

Am I missing anyone? I hope you enjoy some of these fellow fiber artists and give them a follow!

Also, if you’re a crocheter and you’ve ever pondered starting a podcast- YOU SHOULD! We are vastly underrepresented and there is always room for more!