Local Yarn Store Day 2020
by Isabella
Posted on September 18, 2020
Something a little different today! Last Saturday, Sept 12th, 2020, was Local Yarn Store Day! I’m not sure if this is “celebrated” internationally but here in the 2nd Saturday of September is a day to celebrate and promote our favorite local yarn stores. Typically this is a day for yarn crawls, hanging out with yarny friends, buying all the things and winning all the prizes…but # 2020problems.
However, my favorite local yarn store, Ewe and You Fiber Arts in Windsor, Connecticut was able to adapt to these strange times and held a nice little LYS day gathering and hosted a pop of of 4 local Connecticut yarn dyers- Sassy Black Yarns, Silver Key Stitches, Cup of Tea Yarn and Laine and Lotus– out in the front parking lots.

I’ve enjoyed vlogging fiber events in the past, but again, 2020 changed plans a little bit. So I was SUPER excited to actually get out and about with some yarny folk and I captured a bit of footage along the way to show you some of the fiber goodness that my state has to offer! Hope you enjoy a little look at my favorite yarn spot and some of my favorite yarn people!
Want more LYS access? You can also find my LYS day 2021 experience HERE and I have a whole playlist on my youtube channel dedicated to vlogs of yarny adventures. ‘Rona willing, I hope to bring you more yarn shop and event vlogs in the future!